Beer of the Week

Iron Throne

Posted March 11, 2013 by Staff

Brewery Ommegang

Cooperstown, NY

Style: Blonde ale

ABV: 6.5

Editor’s Note: Iron Throne is the first of a series of collaborations between Brewery Ommegang and HBO based on the drama Game of Thrones.

Staff Review: A color reminiscent of pale straw, or perhaps Lannister blond, splashes into our glass. Nicely carbonated, we detect honey as well as smoke in the nose. Flavors of lemon pound cake, honey, peach and lemongrass were present on the palate: a feast fit for the rightful king. This Belgian golden ale, with a lot of spicing, has saison qualities. A very drinkable beer; suitable for afternoon jousting or blunting the sting of minor rebellions. One bottle per person per episode is our recommendation.

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