Feelin’ Single?

By Brian Yaeger Published March 2012, Volume 33, Number 1

Sawtooth Brewery’s Kevin Jones is an avid mountain biker, frequently taking advantage of more than 500 miles of single-track with new trails continually being developed. USA Cycling was so pleased with hosting the new Cross Country Mountain Bike National Championships in Sun Valley last summer that it returns July 19-22 this year. Among the features that make Sun Valley fun are the pump track parks–loops with built-in berms enabling riders to gain momentum without even having to pedal–in Hailey and Ketchum. New flow trails reroute old trails to make them more sustainable. But for the best views, ride Baldy; tackle the Bald Mountain Trail exclusive to mountain bikers.

Brian Yaeger recently moved to Portland, OR, where he homebrews and is exploring the beers of the Pacific Northwest.

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