Tasting Notes

By Rick Lyke Published January 2010, Volume 30, Number 6

Gilden Kölsch: Straw colored beer with a grainy aroma. A subtle and soft kolsch that ends on a dry note. A bit more complex than most of the other Kölsch beers tasted.

Früh Kölsch: A light, crisp drink that leaves you wanting more. Hops are at the forefront of this golden beer, but they announce their presence is subtle flavor waves.

OMB Copper: Olde Mecklenburg’s altbier is a glowing amber color with a good fluffy head. The beer has a satisfying malty character with a clean, crisp edge.

Porterhouse Plain: This porter from a Dublin brewpub is a dark brew with a tan head. There are certainly roasted grain qualities to the beer, but instead of bitter coffee notes the brew has more of a café au lait finish that is smooth and relaxed.

Saint Arnold Fancy Lawnmower: Pale colored brew with a slightly grassy aroma. Good grain flavor, with a balance of subtle malts and hops. Finished with a touch of citrus.

Schlüssel Altbier: The altbier at Schlüssel is a slightly lighter amber color than most others and the hop character is a bit more pronounced. The head thoroughly laces your glass.

Sierra Nevada Kölsch Style Ale: Golden yellow color and creamy white head. Nice light body with good firm malt flavors. Very drinkable.

Sion Kölsch: Slightly more malty than most Kölsch beers, this brew is a bright gold color with a fluffy head. Nice hop elements the dance across your tongue.

Titletown Railyard Ale: This Wisconsin altbier has a good amount of roasted malt with floral hops that help give the beer its overall dry and clean finish.

Uerige Altbier: This Düsseldorf institution produces a deep amber-colored beer with a malty nose. The flavor of the beer starts sweet with roasted malt, but is nicely balanced with hops.

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