Doppel-Hirsch Bavarian-Doppelbock
July 1, 2002 Sonthofen, Bavaria, GermanyDer Hirschbräu
Sonthofen, Bavaria, Germany
Imported by: HDT Importers, Inc.
Portland, OR
Available: AK, CA, ID, MT, NJ, NY, OR, WA
Der Hirschbräu Brewery is one of the oldest privately owned breweries in Bavaria, situated in Sonthofen in the Alps. This doppelbock is brewed with Hallertau hops.
Alcohol by weight: 5.4
Color: n/a
Bitterness: n/a
Gravity: 1072
What a gorgeous presentation, a tall, traditional swing top bottle with two deer (hirsch in German) hooking horns on the label. Unfortunately, this type of bottle is difficult to seal and each of the three bottles that I sampled lacked carbonation, producing only a slight head. The brownish amber color, light for a dopplebock, is bright and inviting. So is the sweet nose and lovely balanced malty flavor and clean, subtle aftertaste, just right for food. Wunderbar with black bread, home made hickory-smoked Alaska salmon and Quillisascut goat cheese.
- Charles Finkel
It's chestnut color is inviting. Effervescence is quite low with little head formation. Aroma and flavor hint at fruitiness, with a complex raisin, currant, sherry-like character. Malty sweet as a doppelbock should be, but fruitiness overshadows hop characters I'm looking for in order to balance this beer. My guess is that this sample is not fresh. I'd look forward to the fresh version with a lively malt theme balanced with hop liveliness, both lacking in this glass.
- Charlie Papazian
Brilliant presentation in a swing-top bottle, with billy goats head butting on the label. It's 7.2% volume, the classic Doppel-Bock strength. Chestnut-colored with barley-white foam, a rich chocolate, bready/yeasty aroma, followed by a stunning palate of rich, dark malts, a deep and vinous/dried grape fruitiness, and delicate hops. The finish is long, lingering, delectable, with sweet malt, floral hops and dark chocolate vying for attention.
- Roger Protz

Charles Finkel
Founder of Merchant du Vin and the Pike Brewing Co., Charles Finkel is a pioneer in the marketing of craft beers in America.

Charlie Papazian
Author of the New Complete Joy of Homebrewing, founder of the Great American Beer Festival and a Beer Examiner at, Papazian is a leading voice in beer and brewing.

Roger Protz
Roger Protz is the author of Complete Guide to World Beer and 300 Beers to Try Before You Die. He is a respected beer authority and editor of the CAMRA Good Beer Guide.
This wonderful tasty beer was not meant to quench your thirst when you are sweating, but, rather is intended for a relaxing moment where the usual non-special tasting beers are highly carbonated, which removes much taste, adds to a relaxing quiet moment of pure relaxation.
How can I order a 6 pack or 12 pack of this great beer? I am living in America.