Tallgrass Brewing Co. IPA

By Greg Barbera Published September 2010, Volume 31, Number 4

I poured this beer – brewed in Kansas by Tallgrass Brewing Co. – from a 16 oz can. It had a very little grassy nose (if any) for a IPA. It possessed a nice foamy head that had some retention as well as a fair amount of sticky lacing. Oftentimes, a heavy nose defines the mouthfeel but with this IPA it was just the opposite. That lack of nose makes the spicy, citrus punch of the hops that much more unexpected yet welcomed. A nice sweet malty backbone keeps this hoppy beer from blowing out your palate in the name of bitterness; it is not as gooey and viscous as IPAs can be. It’s a very quaffable beer and a good way to get the pedestrian beer drinker to bridge the gap from commercial IPAs to bottleshop ones.

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