Beer Talk

Lost Dog Red Ale

Published September 2011, Volume 32, Number 4

Napa Smith Brewery
Napa, CA

Available: CA, VA

Napa Smith Amber Ale uses seven malt varieties and three unique selections of hops in order to achieve the deep complex flavors.

ABV: 7.2
ABW: 5.73
Bitterness: N/A
Original gravity: N/A

  • Lew Bryson

    Bountifully laced with sweet malt, ripe plum/nectarine, herbal edginess and a hint of dry licorice; an arrestingly interesting mélange. No less interesting on the palate―caramel, juicy pear and plum notes, a hint of that licorice again, and a pleasing sweetness that’s nicely kept in check by a bitter finish. Surprisingly light and drinkable for 7.2 percent ABV. I’m thinking grilled chicken with a hot chili-teriyaki glaze for this one; it’s big enough to handle it.

  • Stephen Beaumont

    What a pretty beer this is! The color is akin to that of a summer sunset, with a dense collar of foam that rises quite naturally and lasts. The nose is as I imagine hop-flavored candy would smell; part caramelized hop notes and part stewed fruit. After such an introduction, though, I am a little surprised by the timidity of the flavor, with a fruity sweetness up front, followed by some herbaceous hop coupled with baked peach maltiness and a mild bitterness in the finish. Altogether enjoyable, just not the bold statement I was expecting.

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