Beer Talk

Blue Paw Wheat Ale

Published November 2010, Volume 31, Number 5

Sea Dog Brewing Co.
Portland, ME

Available: AL, AK, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, IL, IN, IO, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MS, MI, MN, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NV, NC, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, VT, VA, WA, WI

This wheat ale is brewed with the addition of fresh Maine wild blueberries.

ABV: 4.6
ABW: 3.6
Color: dark straw
Bitterness: 8
Original gravity: 1048

  • Charles Finkel

    Cute label features a seafaring dog after he raided the ship’s wild blueberry barrel, authentic save his pink (not purple) tongue! The color of the beer is golden with a slight bright white head. The nose is pure berry, aromatic and appealing. So is the beer, a delicious balance of malt and fruit. For a brunch of scones, a mushroom omelet, and fresh berries we poured Bluepaw. A fresh blueberry dropped in each glass floated to the top surrounded with effervescence. Blutiful!

  • Charlie Papazian

    A profound aroma of blueberries, though no blue color. Flavor and character of blueberry engages at first then rapidly diminishes. Not complex. Clean finish. Fruity, lively and sparkling refreshment. It is a bit mystifying. Why do I keep going back for another sip? Slightly addictive. Malt and hops are not what this well-made brew is about. You’ll only know whether it suits you if you check it out yourself. Worth the digression.

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