
Beyond Barley: Embracing Alternative Grains
by Bo McMillanWhenever the name of a widely distributed American adjunct lager lingers pejoratively on the tongue, a prevailing wisdom tends to lay the blame of any perceived “cheap” or “poor” tastes on adjuncts like corn and rice. The Brewers Association, a trade association that works to define and advocate for craft beer, once excluded brewers who... View Article

New Brewing in Old World Wisconsin
by Brian WettlauferOne of Wisconsin’s newest breweries is drawing upon some of the state’s oldest traditions. Operated by the Wisconsin Historical Society, Old World Wisconsin in the town of Eagle allows visitors to explore more than 60 historical structures across hundreds of acres of Midwestern landscape, staffed by volunteers depicting daily 19th century life. To commemorate the... View Article

Todd Boera, Brewer and Co-Founder at Fonta Flora Brewery
by Daniel HartisFonta Flora Brewery’s Todd Boera has brewed with a variety of locally-grown ingredients, from carrots and kiwis to grain and even bread. What he hasn’t had the luxury of brewing with, however, is space. At the brewery and tasting room in the Appalachian town of Morganton, North Carolina, Boera brews on a 3.5-barrel system. The... View Article


48 Hours in Columbus, Ohio
by Karen AspWhile fans of The Ohio State University practically bleed scarlet and gray, there’s more to Ohio’s capital city than the famed Buckeyes or the state’s iconic peanut butter and chocolate candy bearing the same name. Columbus is overflowing with new breweries. Half of the nearly 40 breweries that call the city home have opened in... View Article

When Beer Meets the Farmers Market
by Bo McMillanOn Saturdays at Brooklyn’s Grand Army Plaza, one can find fresh produce, breads, cheeses, honey, and, in one case, a vendor marked by an all-caps sign for “BEER” hanging above its stand amid the dense crowd of the weekly farmers market by Prospect Park. “New York City is kind of overwhelming. There’s a lot of... View Article

Pull Up A Stool with Shane C. Welch of Sixpoint Brewery
by Daniel HartisIn 2017, Sixpoint Brewery overhauled several core brands, unveiled an app for a new series of small-batch beers and brought in Eric Bachli, previously a head brewer at Trillium Brewing Co. in Boston. Yet all of this is just the beginning of a new plan to change the industry over the next 10 years, according... View Article