Beer of the Week

Bell’s Brewery Two Hearted Ale

Posted July 2, 2010 by Greg Barbera

Recently named the second best commercial beer in America by the readers of Zymurgy Magazine, Two Hearted Ale from Bell’s Brewery in Michigan has been a staple in my diet for the last several years. I sampled batch 9704 which according to the web site was packaged in April of 2010. This IPA pours orange yet is hazy much like fresh apple juice. A tiny head sports little retention and there’s some basic lacing. Floral and citrus hops supplant a smooth, crisp mouthfeel. Centennial is the hop in question here: A Pacific Northwest-bred strain from Washington State that was almost eradicated due to lack of interest. I know, hard to believe as popular as the hops are today. A pleasant, sweet malty backbone keeps the beer from being overly bitter. Honestly, I’ve tried to stray from this beer under the guise of expanding my horizons but I never seem to tire of it.

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