Beer of the Week

Grand Teton Brewing Co. Lost Continent Double IPA

Posted May 3, 2010 by Steve Winegar

I’ve got regularly-scheduled racquetball match on Wednesday evenings. I usually come home thirsty and last Wednesday was no different – I was ready for a beer and wanted something hoppy. Grand Teton’s 2010 Lost Continent Double IPA sounded good to me… and it was! This seasonal beer pours a cloudy, golden color with a nice cream-colored head. Lots of hops on the nose and on the tongue (a little more citrus than floral). The broad range of hops used in the brewing make it a complex beer. This beer is not to be confused with those one-note, single hop IPAs. There is plenty of malt as well which balances out the complexity of the hops. Overall, this was a refreshing, thirst quenching beer. And at 8 percent, it was a good thing I enjoyed it at home because I wanted another.

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