November 2012 Volume 33, Number 5


Session Beer Revolution
by Alastair Bland

In 2006, bigness was in style. It was the height of the extreme beer revolution, and though pale ales, IPAs and other classics remained the backbone of the craft brewing ...

In the Shadow
by Jim Clarke

Beer has deep roots in South Africa. That’s no surprise, since it was colonized in the 17th century by the Dutch and later by the English. In addition, some tribes ...

Distribution in America
by Ken Weaver

If you were to ask fellow beer drinkers to describe their favorite brewery, where would they start? They’d probably mention things like stainless-steel tanks, certain flagship and seasonal offerings, pot-bellied ...

Anatomy of a Hangover
by Ian Lloyd

“Never again is what you swore the time before.” These song lyrics from Depeche Mode summarize our feelings about the curse of imbibing: the hangover. The symptoms are unmistakable: headache, body ...