November 2010 Volume 31, Number 5


Beer Made By God’s Hand
by Roger Protz

It’s every beer lover’s dream, to jump in the Time Machine, spin the dials and travel back to discover what iconic brews were really like centuries ago: the IPAs of ...

Surviving Being Over-Entertained
by Pete Brown

Swearing, when judiciously employed, is brilliant. Sometimes, there’s simply no non-cuss word that will do, no mild alternative that can add the same perfect spice and flavor to a sentence. ...

Beer Pilgrimages
by Brian Yaeger

You love beer. That’s a given. But how do you show beer you love it on a deeper level (besides reading a magazine that is all about it)? Whenever you ...

Secrets of Beer Judging
by gordonstrong

I’ve gotten some strange responses over the years when I tell people that I’m a beer judge. Some people don’t believe it’s a real skill―“Is that like a bikini inspector?” ...

Oktoberfest, Unexpected
by Stephen Beaumont

It wasn’t until about 10 A.M. that I saw my first corpse, but then again, it was only Monday. I was pretty certain the bodies would grow more plentiful closer ...

God’s Home Brew
by Adrian Tierney-Jones

Starry, starry night. The light is low in Orval’s brew house, giving its trinity of copper-clad lauter tuns and kettle the glow of a late sunset, while pinpricks of light ...