September 1, 2003 Chambly, QB, CanadaUnibroue
Chambly, QB, Canada
Imported by: Unibrew USA
Champlain, NY
Available: AK, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, FL, HI, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MI, MN, MO, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, TX, VT, VA, WA, WI
This wheat ale is brewed with apple must and flavored with coriander and curaçao.
Alcohol by weight: 4.8
Color: n/a
Bitterness: n/a
Gravity: n/a
Ephemere is a place far away, yet as close as your local beer merchant. Here is a new taste in beer, as old as time. Enchanting turbid color like Florentine gold is a feast for the eyes. The nose is a bouquet of a thousand flowers and in the mouth, it is a delicious fantasy, like cotton candy in a glass. I liked the first bottle and the second even more. Serve with artisan cheese and fresh fruit, and you will be transported to another place, too.
- Charles Finkel
Wow! An aroma to put a smile on your face. Sweet apples, flowers, spice combine to a pleasant and inviting balance. Fruity “Belgian-style” flavors with fresh-brewed character that dances on my palate. I can imagine all kinds of special food combinations with this elegant ale, creatively brewed with apple juice, coriander and orange peel as well as traditional beer ingredients. A beer that will enhance any occasion.
- Charlie Papazian
Ephemere uses coriander and curaçao along with malt and hops. Unusually, it also has green apples, which is brave because a green apple aroma is thought to indicate a fermentation fault. It’s a hazy gold/yellow color and the aroma is spicy with hop resins, toffee malt and a rich apple note. It’s an unusual combination, but apple and hops blend well in the mouth, while the finish is spicy, fruity, bitter and stunningly dry. A brilliant summer refresher—let’s hope it won’t be ephemeral.
- Roger Protz

Charles Finkel
Founder of Merchant du Vin and the Pike Brewing Co., Charles Finkel is a pioneer in the marketing of craft beers in America.

Charlie Papazian
Author of the New Complete Joy of Homebrewing, founder of the Great American Beer Festival and a Beer Examiner at www.examiner.com, Papazian is a leading voice in beer and brewing.

Roger Protz
Roger Protz is the author of Complete Guide to World Beer and 300 Beers to Try Before You Die. He is a respected beer authority and editor of the CAMRA Good Beer Guide.
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