Prima Pils
July 1, 2006Available: CA, CT, DE, IL, MA ,MD, MI, MN, NC, NJ, OH, OR, PA, TX, VA, WI
Pale, pale gold topped with a rocky snow white head. There is a pleasant citrus herbaceous floral aroma. Nicely spiced with whole flower hops—just the right amount to balance the delicate malt flavor. Clean and dry on the palate; this is a good beer for summer celebrations. There is a long spicy aftertaste that could fight with some dishes. We enjoyed it with Alaskan halibut cheeks with saffron and leeks; tuna tartar; and
- Charles Finkel
Fresh, delicate aroma. Lightly spicy. Dry. Chamomile. Buttercups. Hint of fresh, sweet lemons. Beautiful hop aroma. Also some cookie-maltiness. Bubbly but solid white head. Good lace. Bright golden color. The first few gulps are as refreshing as spring water, then a silkiness develops: refreshing, cleansing, soothing, appetizing. Extraordinarily versatile and complete. A beautifully composed beer.
- Michael Jackson
Looks can deceive; aroma can’t. Pours brilliantly clear and as yellow as something more mainstream, but there’s no hiding from the hops. We’re not talking piney and citrusy aromas from the American Northwest, but a flowery, spicy and peppery character so fresh you would think Victory Brewing was located in the Hallertau region of Germany instead of Pennsylvania. Cookie-like on the palate, but solidly bitter, adding a pleasantly rough edge. Dry and bitter finish, with hop flavors lingering to the end. In total, surprisingly sturdy and enticingly delicate.
- Stan Hieronymus

Charles Finkel
Founder of Merchant du Vin and the Pike Brewing Co., Charles Finkel is a pioneer in the marketing of craft beers in America.

Michael Jackson
Author of Ultimate Beer, the Simon & Schuster Guide to Beer and numerous other works on drinks, Jackson has created legions of converts to fine beer.

Stan Hieronymus
Editor at, a professional journalist for 40 years and amateur brewer for 15, Hieronymus is the author of four beer books, including Brew Like a Monk.
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