July 9, 2014Surly Brewing Co., Three Floyds Brewing, Real Ale Brewing
BLAKKR (an old Norse word for dark or black) is an imperial black ale brewed with Warrior, Simcoe and Centennial hops.
ABV: 9.9
ABW: 7.88
Who turned out the lights? Like a black hole of flavors—pine, currants, smoke, chocolate—this collaboration beer, with label art depicting lost souls writhing in hell fire, takes a deep dive into the Black IPA style. First, it is truly black, not brown like some others. Then there is combination of hop oils and malt thickness that leaves the slightest bit of alcoholic heat on the finish. It evolves as it warms, with some citrus becoming more pronounced. This might be a one-off, but will certainly inspire other brewers of black IPA to step up their game.
- John Holl
If you hold a high-powered light up to a glass of this beer, you can just about see some purple tones, but otherwise, yes, this is indeed blacker than your average black ale. Richer in aroma, too, with a mix of raisins and blackberries, flamed lemon zest and high-cocoa-content chocolate, licorice and prunes. On the palate, all that fruit arrives first, especially the blackberries, before it’s joined by considerable roastiness, citrusy and oniony bitterness and growing alcoholic heat, the last of which emerges more so in the bitter, drying finish. Boozy and soothing, this is one for the very end of the night, perhaps with some Spanish Cabrales cheese.
- Stephen Beaumont

John Holl
John is the editor of All About Beer Magazine, the host of The Beer Briefing on iHeart Radio, and the author of three books, including The American Craft Beer Cookbook. Find him on Twitter @John_Holl.

Stephen Beaumont
Co-author of both The World Atlas of Beer and The Pocket Beer Guide (with Tim Webb), Stephen travels the world sampling beer, hosting dinners and tastings, and eating too much airport food.
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