Here’s a handful of distinctive brews you can find only in their home region.
Terrapin Rye Pale Ale, Terrapin Beer Co., Athens, GA
Medium gold in color with a crisp American hop nose and flavor. Finishes dry with touches of rye spiciness and light bitterness that fade quickly, leaving a clean palate.
Sweetwater Georgia Brown, Sweetwater Brewing Co., Atlanta, GA
Rich, dark copper hues are noticed within the light brown color. Roasted nut and cocoa undertones blend well with a smooth maltiness, medium body and balancing hop bitterness.
Abita Andygator, Abita Brewing Co., Abita Springs, LA
Golden lager with pale malt and alcohol notes in aroma and flavor. Finishes slightly fruity and dry with hints of white pepper from respectable alcohol content.
Southern Pecan, Lazy Magnolia Brewing Co., Kiln, MS
Slightly sweet caramel malt blends well with roasted pecan character to create a light-bodied brown ale with interesting malt complexity and nutty flair.
Flaming Stone Beer, Boscos, Nashville and Memphis, TN
Beautiful golden tone with slightly smoky/caramel-like aroma and flavor. Moderate two-row malt sweetness gives way to an extremely subtle noble hop finish.
Oatmeal Porter, Highland Brewing Co., Asheville, NC
Ruby hints peek through the blackness of this malty ale. Loaded with cocoa notes, roasted malt nuances and moderate English hop bitterness.
Old Elephant Foot IPA, Tampa Bay Brewing Co., Tampa, FL
Thick white head lingers on top of a deep copper ale. Citrusy northwestern hops explode in aroma and flavor, and pleasing esters, malt and alcohol notes provide an added depth in this medium-bodied brew.