Beer Talk

Helles Golden Lager

Published July 2013, Volume 34, Number 3

Sly Fox Brewing Co.

Pottstown, PA

A German-style golden lager brewed with imported German pils malt and Saaz and Hallertauer hops. Packaged in a can with a removable lid.

ABV: 4.9

ABW: 3.9

COLOR: 4.5




  • Roger Protz

    Helles is the Bavarian term for pale lager, a notch or two below a pilsner. This pale-gold beer offers toasted malt, grassy and leafy hops and a hint of marzipan on the nose. Toasted malt dominates the palate with tangy fruit and spicy hops. The finish is quenching, with juicy malt dominating but good contributions from tart fruit and leafy and spicy hops.

  • Garrett Oliver

    Afternoon drinking is famously perilous, but I always look forward to a good glass of helles. The entire head of the pull-top can yanks free, revealing the beer. It has a full gold color, and the white head doesn’t last long. The bitterness is right there in the sweet spot—a quick snap that’s just enough to set off the bready malt center. The finish is nice and clean. “Simple and elegant” is not very easy to pull off, and Sly Fox does a fine job of it here. You can go for the obvious bratwursts, but hamachi sashimi will work just as well.

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