Five gallon recipe
7 pound light DME (9# pilsner malt for all-grain)
2 pound Munich or amber malt extract (3# light Munich malt for all-grain)
0.5 pound Weyermann caramunich III or 60 lovibond crystal malt
0.5 pound Weyermann cararoma malt
0.5 pound Weyermann carafa II or black patent malt
2 ounces milled cocoa nibs
Mash at 152° for 1 hour
7 AAU Perle or Liberty hops
0.5 ounce Liberty, Halletau or Saaz hops for flavor/aroma, about 10 minutes in the kettle
OG 1.072
Ferment with American ale yeast for robust porter, or California Common yeast for a Baltic style porter
During aging, suspend a sachet containing 3 ounces of uncrushed roasted cocoa nibs in the beer