Summer Ale
July 1, 2012Narragansett Brewing Co.
Providence, RI
A light session ale made with two row pale malt and citra hops. Blonde in color, pours golden, producing a generous white head. Malt is smooth, balanced out by a crisp bitterness. Aromas of mixed fruits are evident, but mild on the palate.
ABV: 4.2
ABW: 3.36
At 4.2 percent, there’s no fear to the 16 oz. can. Beautifully bright golden beer and a white mousse of foam. Sweet pine and grapefruit pith gently grace the nose; this is a shy one, but pretty. It’s delicate on the palate, not broadly malty like a mild or stingingly bitter like a “session IPA,” but refreshingly balanced with a light malt sweetness and a lasting bitterness on the finish. Great deck beer, or boat beer, or clambake beer, and brilliant as a refreshing cold beer.
- Lew Bryson
This bright gold and mild mannered pale ale—don’t expect aggressive C-hops—has a sweetish, faintly floral nose with suggestions of rose and candied orange peel, along a bit of dried leaf hoppiness. The start is also lightly sweet with a suggestion of honey and orange marmalade, before it gets drier and slightly nutty-tannic-dry in the middle, finishing is mildly bitter and quite dry. Not a beer to bowl you over, but a suitable hot weather quaffer, perhaps with mild cheese sandwiches and the ballgame on the radio.
- Stephen Beaumont

Lew Bryson
Lew Bryson writes about beer and whiskey from his home in southeast Pennsylvania. He has a family and two dogs. That’s all you need to know.

Stephen Beaumont
Once described as “beerdom’s Brillat-Savarin,” Stephen Beaumont is the author of five books and countless articles on beer, spirits, food, travel and how it all goes together.
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