Stochasticity Project Master of Disguise
November 24, 2014Stochasticity Project Master of Disguise
Stone Brewing Co.
Escondido, CA
Type of Beer: Imperial golden stout
ABV: 8.8
Yup. You read that right. A golden stout. An imperial one as well. Because, why the hell not? In a beer world where we can have black IPA, black Saison, even a black Kölsch, why shouldn’t we have a traditionally dark beer made and presented in a lighter color. And it’s fitting that Stone, those boundary-pushing scallywags be the one to release it. As part of the brewery’s side project of beers, there’s the typical long story screened onto the 22-oz bottle that uses big words and flowery sentences. Something about dumb luck … anyway, what’s the freak of brewing science taste like?
Well, it tastes a lot like a stout. One brewed with coffee beans and cocoa, as this one one is. It’s more copper than golden in color and it has a thin head that stickily laces the glass. It’s boozy and more thin on the mouthfeel than one might expect. The more you drink the more the coffee takes over with a slap of acidity associated with a cup o’ joe that’s been on the burner too long and then left to get cold over hours.
There’s a citrus hop note that bounces around the palate, never quite settling long enough in one place to make an impression. It finishes with a slight alcohol astringency burn.
One of the great things about American brewers is their willingness to experiment. This is a perfect example of that ingenuity and determination.
Is it really a stout? That’s for you to judge. But, if you just close your eyes and take a drink, you won’t be able to tell the difference.

John Holl
John Holl is the editor of All About Beer Magazine and author of “The American Craft Beer Cookbook.” He lives in Jersey City, NJ. Contact him via Twitter @John_Holl or email
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