Riverwalk Blonde Ale
July 1, 2011 Santee, CAManzanita Brewing Co.
Santee, CA
Available: CA
Manzanita Brewing has a three-barrel brew house with six barrel fermenters to brew five types of ales. They started distributing bottles in January. The company specializes in session beers.
ABV: 6
ABW: 4.7
Bitterness: 24
Original gravity: 1056
Fine turbid golden color tinged with green, is topped with a creamy head of tiny bubbles. Both delight the eye. Refreshing summer beer with plenty of flavor. Distinctive nose. The mouthfeel is round and flavorful, a nice surprise. We enjoyed it with soft pretzels, made with old fashioned no-till flour and spent grain. Soft on the inside, hard on the outside, the combination makes you believe in the concept of liquid bread.
- Charles Finkel
Highly defined by rich dense head, blonde cloud of joy and coriander spice aroma. Label doesn’t indicate a clue regarding type of brew. Speculate a rendition of a well made “Belgian-style Wit.” Hoppy character is low, yet evident and refreshingly well balanced. Witful indeed; as opposed to witless. Clean, refreshing with a hint of acidity. Nice stuff this be.
- Charles Papazian

Charles Finkel
Founder of Merchant du Vin and the Pike Brewing Co., Charles Finkel is a pioneer in the marketing of craft beers in America.

Charles Papazian
Author of the New Complete Joy of Homebrewing, founder of the Great American Beer Festival and a Beer Examiner at www.examiner.com, Papazian is a leading voice in beer and brewing.
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