Mothership Wit
September 1, 2007 Ft. Collins, CONew Belgian Brewing Co.
Ft. Collins, CO
Available: western states
“Mothership”, long the nickname of New Belgium’s brewing facility, has grown in meaning to encompass the brewery’s sustainable approach to doing business, including becoming the nation’s first fully wind-powered brewery in 1998. This is the brewer’s first organic beer offering.
ABV: 4.8
ABW: 3.8
Color: 8
Bitterness: 13
Gravity: 1050
The beer pours a hazy, pale, flaxen yellow with a slight greenish tinge, raising a fluffy white head. The aroma is bright and citrusy with hints of spice. On the palate it shows light but focused bitterness, zingy acidity in a light-bodied center, and a short, crisp finish. Pasta flavors linger. The bitterness is on the aggressive side, but this beer is otherwise flawless, a nice example of the style. One omelette with sautéed Granny Smith apples and goat cheese, coming right up.
- Garrett Oliver
An organic wheat beer in the Belgian style, spiced with coriander and orange peel. It has a tempting, pale lemon color with a snowy head and a scintillating aroma of citrus fruit, zesty spices and hop resins. It’s tart, tangy and quenching in the mouth with fruit and juicy malt balancing spices and hops. The finish is dry with citrus fruit and peppery spices vying for attention with gentle hops and sweet malt. Delicious.
- Roger Protz

Garrett Oliver
Internationally recognized brewer and expert on traditional beer, Garrett Oliver is the brewmaster of the Brooklyn Brewery and the author of The Brewmaster's Table.

Roger Protz
Roger Protz is the author of Complete Guide to World Beer and 300 Beers to Try Before You Die. He is a respected beer authority and editor of the CAMRA Good Beer Guide.
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