Kill Ugly Radio
November 1, 2007 Petaluma, CALagunitas Brewing Co.
Petaluma, CA
Available: CA
Released in celebration of the 40th anniversary of the release of “Absolutely Free,” by Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention.
ABV: 7.8
ABW: 6.2
Color: n/a
Bitterness: n/a
Original Gravity: n/a
I’ve never been a huge Frank Zappa fan, only a casual listener, so let’s skip over all the Zappa/Mothers imagery and the curious name and get right to the beer. Copper colored, this baby positively reeks of hops, with potent and spicy citrus utterly dominant. Malt? Not in the aroma, but in the body there’s some gentle caramel and toffee notes, plus a light non-citrus fruitiness, before the hops kick back in and leave the palate reeling in a grapefruity, peppery daze. Oddly enough, though, it all seems to come together in a way that’s not hops-overpowering, and indeed, rather enjoyable. Jerk pork, anyone?
- Stephen Beaumont
Hop aromatics take me back to craft brewing roots. Lots of character. Balanced with malt flavors. Great drinkability, while packing a hop punch. I simply love this beer! I’m sure Frank Zappa would appreciate this brew as worthy of his far-flung spirit. If I had the opportunity, I’d pour some on his grave: surely he’d be smiling from above. Which is where you’ll feel like you are after having just one sip (not in the grave—but above it all). Love it—or leave it for me.
- Charlie Papazian

Stephen Beaumont
Once described as “beerdom's Brillat-Savarin,” Stephen Beaumont is the author of five books and countless articles on beer, spirits, food, travel, and how it all goes together.

Charlie Papazian
Author of the New Complete Joy of Homebrewing, founder of the Great American Beer Festival and a Beer Examiner at, Papazian is a leading voice in beer and brewing.
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