September 12, 2014Blue Moon Brewing Co.
From Blue Moon’s Graffiti Collection (and short for Cherry Imperial Wheat), Chimp is brewed with more than 1,000 pounds of cherries in each batch.
ABV: 9.5
ABW: 7.56
AVAILABLE: Nationwide
It’s as if a jar of maraschino cherries fermented and developed into something with a little more character, while mellowing from bright red to a respectable mahogany. It’s the stone fruit aroma and flavor that dominate, but there is a underlying fruit salad. Some orange pith, a hint of ripened bananas, all topped with a splash of Grand Marnier. The bit of booze that comes through belies its full 9%, and low carbonation will help the full bomber go down with ease.
- John Holl
The cherries used in this ale seem almost more apparent in its reddish-amber color than in the sweetish, lightly fruity-spicy aroma, although the appearance of almond notes does suggest the presence of cherry pits. On the palate, the fruit is more in evidence, with ample cherry notes arriving first, followed by a spicier, orange-peel-accented middle and a boozy, somewhat thin finish. For all its strength and “1,000 pounds of cherries,” though, there’s not a huge amount of complexity here.
- Stephen Beaumont

John Holl
John is the editor of All About Beer Magazine, the host of The Beer Briefing on iHeart Radio, and the author of three books, including The American Craft Beer Cookbook. Find him on Twitter @John_Holl.

Stephen Beaumont
Co-author of both The World Atlas of Beer and The Pocket Beer Guide (with Tim Webb), Stephen travels the world sampling beer, hosting dinners and tastings, and eating too much airport food.
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