The Resurrection of Hunahpu’s Day

Hunahpu’s Day, honoring the release of Cigar City Brewing’s Hunahpu’s Imperial Stout, will return this March. Photo by Russell Breslow.
Time passed. Reparations were made. But the whispers grew louder.
“A lot of people said, ‘Don’t let it die because you had a bad year; don’t let it die because things didn’t go right; let’s figure out how to fix it,’” Joey Redner said.
The owner of Tampa’s Cigar City Brewing listened.
Hunahpu’s Day will live again on March 14.
The festival and bottle release of the award-winning Hunahpu’s Imperial Stout was pronounced dead days after the March 8, 2014, celebration devolved into a debacle. Attendees bearing silver wristbands that promised a chance to buy up to three bottles of the oil-black ale watched the inventory sell out while they waited in a disorganized line.
A few angry and frustrated folks banged on the closed overhead doors of the sales spot, trying to start a chant of “Cigar City Sucks,” until off-duty Tampa Police Department officers arrived to send everyone off the property.
Redner was literally sickened.
“I felt shitty for a good month,” he said. “I just didn’t feel good because of the way that it went down.”
The brewery did what it could to make up for it: Ticket prices were refunded, the tasting room gave away beer the next day, and a new batch was brewed for those with wristbands who did not get their allotment.
But Hunahpu’s Day, Redner decided, would not return.
“I am acknowledging defeat. That was the last Hunahpu’s Day,” he said last year in a statement. “The beer will go into distribution next year and hopefully spread out among many accounts, it will get to consumers more fairly.”
During the next few months, pleas fell upon Redner’s ears, coming from Cigar City Brewing staffers, trusted confidantes and the public.
“Then someone started a Facebook ‘Save Hunahpu’s Day’ (page) and kind of laid out a lot of the reasons that we should do it again,” Redner said.
If, and it was a big if, Hunahpu’s Day were to return, how could it work?
“We started spit-balling, ‘What if we did this, what if we did that, what if we did this?’” Redner said. “The idea that we could resurrect it and bring it back started to evolve out of that.”
Key would be crowd control. In 2014, 3,500 tickets were sold to the public at $50 each, the first time the event charged admission. Because of counterfeit tickets and technology issues at the front gate, the crowd swelled to at least twice that number, maybe more.
A stricter ticket policy would be important to combat potential counterfeiting.
The bottle release would need modification to discourage mob mentality and “muling,” the practice of hiring other people to purchase limited-release bottles, which are then hoarded, traded or resold at a profit.
With basic guidelines in place, the details began to form.
The first public clue that the event would return appeared on Sept. 18: A new logo for “Hunahpu’s Day 2015” above the date, March 14, posted on the Cigar City Brewing Facebook page with the comment “It’s back. More details to be announced soon!”
It’s back? Fans of the brewery, the festival and the beer buzzed about it on social media. Would there be a bottle release, or would it be a festival? Will bottles go into distribution, as earlier announced? How will ticket sales go down?
The crew at Cigar City Brewing continued to refine the details, coming up with a battle plan that they hope will lead to a peaceful event. A new ticket seller will be used, Ticketfly, and it will have a support team at the festival.
Tickets will be limited to 2,000, at $200 each. The 1,500 members of the brewery’s membership-only El Catador Club will have first crack, Redner said. If all members opt in, there will be 500 tickets available to the public.
Each ticket will bear the buyer’s name, and each attendee will need an ID to match it. No exceptions.
There will be an allotment of four 750-ml bottles of Hunahpu’s included as part of the ticket price. In previous years, the price has been $20 each.
The all-inclusive ticket will include food, a tasting glass and four bottles of Hunahpu’s in a branded carry bag.
“It’s basically 2,000 VIP tickets,” said Chris Lovett of Cigar City Brewing.
Attendees will receive their bottles as they leave, and will not be allowed back onto the grounds.
“The one thing we’ve learned is … you have to stick to your guns, and set up the parameters very rigidly on the front end, because there are people on the back end that will take advantage of any wiggle room that you allow,” Redner said. “We’re just going to be very rigorous, and we’re going to make sure that people know up front that these are the rules, and if those rules don’t work for you, do not buy a ticket.”
Gerard Walen is a freelance beer writer, founder and editor of, and author of Florida Breweries. Read his 2014 story, The Death of Hunahpu’s Day.
Quote Joey Redner
“The one thing we’ve learned is … you have to stick to your guns, and set up the parameters very rigidly on the front end, because there are people on the back end that will take advantage of any wiggle room that you allow,” Redner said. “We’re just going to be very rigorous, and we’re going to make sure that people know up front that these are the rules, and if those rules don’t work for you, do not buy a ticket.”
The smack has been layeth down! I love it!
So, if you take that they charged $50 last year… That leaves $150 for 4 bottles of Hunahpu. $37.50 a bottle?! What the…
Cigar City is getting greedy, because people will attend, regardless of the price.
Yep, assuming you just show up and get bottles and leave. If you stick around for lots of food and beer, although it isn’t cheap it’s not as bad as your flawed math makes it out to be.
200 is very steep price for me and many others but so are many other events and if you can afford it it could be quite affordable as the one bottle of this beer as fetched up to 200 dollars in the after market for a single bottle and you get 4 free on leaving
$200 for the “privilege” of purchasing 4 bottles at another $20 bucks?
Yeah, it’s a good beer, but this is everything craft beer should NOT be about.
Read the article again. 4 bottles are included.
This is a private event… You can pay $85 to go to a food and beer tasting with only 8 to 10 choices… this one you get a mega star brewery list with some of the best food trucks in Tampa AND 4 bottles of Hunahpu AND ITS ALL YOU CAN DRINK AND EAT!!!!!
no food trucks the food is being done this year by cigar city catering a division of there new farm to table restaurant
200$ a ticket. so the ticket is $100 per person seeing as 100 pays for 4 bottles. this is the most expensive beer festival yet. i can agree with it needed changes, but to charge 100 a ticket after the big (*&( up is a big fuk you to ones that went last year and cant afford it this year
Good, don’t go.
Jack, I laughed when I read that. Hahahaa…
Exactly Jack….I’m enjoying reading folks complaining on Facebook too…it’s awesome.
200 a ticket is way to pricey for me as a disabled vet with back and hip problems so on disability as well but still going as I get in free how you as i volunteer a lot so when I heard about the volunteer spots available jumped on it
Great news. The price is steep, but hey… the demand is high enough. Cant blame them. I’m glad to see El Catador members get first crack. Great way to give back to the core foundation of your customer base.
Now if only they can fix all their I.T. issues. If more than 5 people log onto the site at once… it crashes.
Fixing these two things would be a huge improvement and should garner respect and appreciation from their loyal drinkers. 🙂
how do I become a member of the brewery club?.
I was there last year & didn’t get to purchase my Hunahpu’s..
I left before the mob got out of hand.
Thanks for the refund,a stand up jester!!!
I’m hoping to get tickets for my self & my brother in law who lives in Columbus Ohio.he is a bonified BEER GEEK
You can’t anymore unless your lucky with only 500 available
2000 tickets is not much compared to last year but it should be a much better event with less lines
Hey now…..
Why not build your brand by allowing more non-members to enjoy the festival? All your members already know about Hunahpu and their other labels. I was there last year – paid for a ticket and flew in from out-of-state for it. I know the debacle that happened. But now the brewery is allowing that problem from last year to affect this year’s event in a negative way. That was a logistics problem that got out of control. Fix the problem, and move on. Only room for 500 non-members? C’mon man! I’m not sure I’ll be returning unless they get the stick out of their a**’s…
They are not doing it to build the brand. If you didn’t know about the brand, why would you go? So you complain about there not being enough tickets and then say you are not going as if you are punishing them. Hilarious! You will not be going because you will not be able to get a ticket. It will sell out fast.
great news!!! Great article Gerard.
Amen Bob!!
This kind of sucks. I have no idea if I’ll be able to make it this year and I’d love to buy a ticket if I could give it to a friend if I couldn’t make it.
You people don’t math good and don’t think good neither.
Seriously though, some of these comments are just plain wrong.
>$200 for the “privilege” of purchasing 4 bottles at another $20 bucks?
Seems like this guy didn’t even read the article.
>So, if you take that they charged $50 last year… That leaves $150 for 4 bottles of Hunahpu. $37.50 a bottle?! What the…
Last year didn’t include a glass, all you can eat food, and a carrying bag. You may not care much for that, but it’s part of the ticket, and has a cost. You can’t simply ignore that. It’s part of the ticket price for a reason. It discourages people from bringing mules just to grab beer.
Let’s clear something up here. A few of the those people commenting are having a hard time understanding whats going on here.
The ticket is $200.
Each ticket INCLUDES: Admission to the event. 4 bottles of Hunahpu with a carrier bag. Food. A tasting glass.
Let’s further break this down. INCLUDED IN THE PRICE OF TICKET: 4 x $20 bottle of GUARANTEED Hunahpu. That’s $80.
Admission last year was $50. So now we’re at $130 for admission and 4 bottles of Hunahpu.
That leaves $70 dollars left. For food, it’s included. For the beer list that rivals only the biggest of international beer events in a much less hectic environment? Sounds great to me.
I’m wondering how much will be put in distribution, and at what price? If it’s the old $20 price, attending the event isn’t all that great of a deal. $150 would seem more reasonable (considering food and the carry bag are included). But it also depends on the food (quality & quantity).
There isn’t going to be any put into distribution. I think JR said that last year as a result of the future Hunahpu Days being canx. Nope the only way to get it is to attend….or buy one from one of those knuckleheads who put them out on eBay.
I think it’s great they’re bringing it back, the pricing is very fair; especially when you take into account the quality of beers they serve at the event. My only complaint is the fact they’ve chosen to limit it to 2,000 ppl. With proper attention to the layout of all the tents they can easily accommodate the 3,500 ppl they had planned for last year. I find it’s a great disservice to their fans to basically say there 500 tickets available to the general public; who will also be competing against the 1,500 Cat members who will be trying to get tickets for girlfriends, spouses, & friends.
Lol 500 tickets to the public! Basically no tickets if members can buy more then 1 ticket. Thanks for nothing cigar city!
There are ways to incorporate more people and do it so no scamming. Ever heard of ticketless entry. Where u scan your credit card and I’d to get in. No way to fake that. Instead you limit the festival to 500 because all members will buy 1 ticket.
I am so there!
Seems like some people will never be happy no matter what you do for them! Bunch of whinners!
It is no different then last year as it pertains to the amount of non CAT members that could attend. Last year each CAT member could bought 2 tickets for Huna day which would of totaled 3000 tickets leaving 500 to the general public. So now they have limited the Cat members and left the general public the same.
I’m just butthurt cause I wish my blog would get this many comments. Even if half are from vulgarians.
Is there a way to get informed when the 500 will be available, or did I miss that? Great to SWFL
1. Not all members will buy a ticket. Some of us live hundreds of miles away. I will…but not all will
2. Members can only buy one (1) ticket.
3. See ya there!
I understand that this is an attempt to fix the debacle that happened last year, and that’s great. I’m not questioning the $200 ticket being worth it – it clearly is. Unfortunately, some of us can’t afford that price whether it’s worth it or not. I wish that CCB could come up with a way to make this beer accessible for those of us with more of a limited income – like selling tickets to purchase the beer only and skip the event.
Yes, there is a lot of great beer that many cannot afford, but brewers don’t need to provide a community service. They have every right to make the profit that the market will allow, so my suggestion would be to take what you can afford and support a local up and coming brewery instead.
I’m never gonna be able to taste this beer!! A lot of money to spend even before I know I like it or not. I’m willing to buy a bottle at a reasonable price to try it but now it looks like that’s never going to be possible. Is it ever available in the tasting room?
Festival of farmhouse ales at Hill Farmstead was a little over $100 and do not include food or 4 really good rare beers with the cost of the ticket. If say more power to Cigar City for upping the ticket price. As much as I live really good, hard to acquire beer, there are enough crazy ass beer geeks out there that will spend $200 on a ticket and Cigar City is good to profit as they are able. Hopefully it will drive away the kooks that started chanting “Cigar City sucks” last year.
Excuse all the typos
I know it’s too late for this year’s event, but how can I join the El Catador club? As someone who dearly loves beer but is stuck living in Texas, that’s about the only way I’ll make it in!!
It’s sad to see that they are making the same mistakes as every other brewer with a hot item. I wish they would wake up and swallow their pride and realize that people want more of the beer, not some bs event once a year you need to sell your soul for. I don’t buy the space/time argument either. Everyone has a IPA, Stout, etc. make less of what people can get anywhere and more of the brew people love from your brewery. They can make it 50 bucks a bottle and sell it until the end of time all year round…
I reached out to them on facebook. I had a similar opinion. This response lines up with things I’ve heard over the years from employees.
“The beer is extremely difficult to make and I’m sure all of our brewers would riot, cause a fit, go on strike and…many other things if we brewed it much more than we already do. We’ve had several batches over the years that didn’t attenuate well and had to be either dumped or altered to make another beer even with all of that work. It’s also quite expensive and ties up our tanks for a long time. We would make more of it if we could swing it.”
I heard about the 2014 event being a disaster. I just don’t get how people could disrespect an establishment that one man put so much dedication into. I was just at the funky buddha 2015 maple bacon release and it was the most well-organized event I have ever been to. At 15 bucks a bottle, 4 bottle limit, food trucks and 5 dollar draft pours I probably spent….MAYBE 100 bucks. I get it, you want your fans happy but 200 seems mildly steep to not even include any draft pours. I am awaiting more info and any changes about guest brews on draft, what will be available on draft and in growlers and if they will use that tasting glass FOR anything to taste included in that 200 bucks. Looking forward to further info and possible ticket purchase!
Oh, no, no..Im not totally thrilled about the price, and the bottle allotment being 4..
But the taster glass is for all the beers on tap. You can drink as much as you want. And im fairly certain they have a keg, or kegs of heady. Trust me, if 200 bucks is burning a hole in your pocket, you’ll make it up in just sample pours alone.
200 bucks will not burn a hole in my pocket as I just spent over 1500 on total trip to florida for funky buddha maple bacon release. haha. I guess the point I am making is that they have not yet released information as to what is definitely included and if this is the aged version. we must stay tuned!
I have — and will remain — a supporter of Cigar City. Theirs is a great story of a man following his dreams and putting together a truly remarkable brewery. But, CCB’s latest decision regarding Hunahpu’s Day 2015 is disappointing on many levels. Not the least of which is the price of the ticket. As another poster stated earlier in these replies, not everyone can afford $200 for the ticket. Couple that with the cost of traveling to Tampa, getting a hotel and traveling back home and you get a rather expensive weekend. Even GABF is not that expensive unless you go to multiple sessions. I am interested to see how this decision pans out for CCB.
Thanks CCB…..hopefully I can score a ticket next Monday.
Just make more beer. Duh.
I am nobody’s apologist, but the “if people like it so much, just make more” argument that I see in these threads repeatedly displays ignorance of the brewing business (yes, these guys want to make money).
I used to work for a popular brewery that had an award-winning, household-name beer for which we held (as one person on this thread described it) a “bs event once a year you need to sell your soul for” (albeit a little less hyped… maybe just a paired organ rather than your soul). Yes, the brewery made a lot of money at the event, but much was because of the event. The beer itself was much less profitable on its own, all things considered. Among many reasons the “just make more” argument doesn’t hold are that the beer to which I am referring (and Huna, too) would eventually not sell well at the necessary price if constantly available, and it would have netted less profit despite its higher price than core beers because of a thinner margin and lower overall sales. Yet brewing such a beer year round would take so much tank space that the brewery would have to expand in order to make the “boring” core beers that somehow still account for the majority of the profit that makes specialty beers feasible.
Not to mention that brewers enjoy brewing. Overproducing one specialty beer limits the ability to have fun creating new ones. Of course, some breweries, like Wicked Weed in NC for example, can get by without flagships, but the market cannot support that format for all breweries (and making Huna all the time contradicts that business model as much as it doesn’t work for the flagship model).
More power to CCB, in my opinion. There is a reason these things are “special releases” and it is a shame that a brewer has to get assaulted for making a fun beer and trying to have a fun event just because there is no way in hell they’d ever be able to make enough for everyone to be happy. Boo hoo.
Let’s analyze the “steep” cost. 2000 tickets vs. 3500, less crowded. Food and beer is provided. I went to see Billy Joel and Elton John,it last 3 hours, the beer was flat bud light at 8 bucks a pop, that was $225. When I go to see the Cirque Soliel it’s 100 a pop, same ol crappy beer and $7 hot dogs, over in 90 minutes. I spend it happily! A bottle of Sam Adams Utopias, $175, which is $6.50 a shot, I happily spend that! $200 for a day at a brewery eating, drinking, hanging out with brewers and beer lovers for a day….AND 4 bottles of premium beer??? What a deal. I may fly down there next year for it!
I like Miller Lite.