Beer Talk

St. George India Pale Ale

Published May 2003, Volume 24, Number 2

St. George Brewing Co.
Hampton, VA

Available: VA, NC, SC, MD, DE, DC

St. George, a fourth century Roman soldier who was martyred for his beliefs, is the patron saint of both England and Germany. Since this brewery brews both ales in the English tradition and lagers in the German tradition, the brewery was named for him.

Alcohol by weight: 4.4
Color: n/a
Bitterness: 50
Gravity: 1059

  • Charles Finkel

    Brilliant, traditional, shiny-penny pale ale copper color. Creamy crop of bubbles leave a lace on the side of the glass as they slowly dissipate. Clean fresh nose, good balance with plenty of malt and even more hops—a textbook example of this style. Serve with a spinach salad with smoky pancetta, a loaf of organic pumpernickel bread and a farmhouse blue cheese.

  • Charlie Papazian

    Beautiful copper tone with a head of dancing lace. Wonderful sweet malt aroma mingled with a balance of hop character. Not extremely hopped, but rather a balance of hops, malt and body suggesting to me that it is representative of a traditional “pre-micro-renaissance” type of IPA. This does not have northwestern USA style assertive hop character. Rather a crisp full flavored IPA where hops are a melodic theme rather than a constant crescendo. I love both. Well done and drinkably enjoyable.

  • Roger Protz

    With a bronze color and a tightly-beaded head, it has juicy malt, spicy hops and tart fruit on the aroma. The palate has bitter hops and bitter orange fruit, underscored by biscuity malt. The finish is finely balanced, with the hops finally dominating and leading to a dry bitterness. A fine companion for blue cheese or fondue dishes. As St George brews British-style beers, I will once again make the point that many modern IPAs are too dark: the originals used only pale malt.

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