
Your Session Beer Project
by Lew BrysonThe Session Beer Project was something I started on my blog about two years ago. It’s my contention that big beers get the press and the glory because they’re flashy, but seriously, how many can you drink? I started the Project to get more attention for session beers, and I’m happy to say it’s been... View Article

Session Beers: Drink More, Drink Better!
by Lew Bryson“For [beer] possesses the essential quality of gulpability. Beer is more gulpable than any other beverage and consequently it ministers to the desire to drink deeply. When one is really thirsty the nibbling, quibbling, sniffing, squinting technique of the wine connoisseur becomes merely idiotic. Then is the moment of the pint tankard of bitter.”–Anonymous, 1934... View Article

The Floating Brewery
by Julie JohnsonThe dozen brewpubs on U.S. military bases appear to be the only effort by the armed services of any country to provide their troops with local, freshly produced beer. The American military maybe uniquely able to sustain such an effort to keep the troops happy, given its size and reach. However, a British project to... View Article

Brewpubs on our Bases
by Julie JohnsonIron Mike’s Pub and Brewery, Fort Bragg, Fayetteville, NC (Army) Fort Bragg is home to the XVIII Airborne Corps and the 82nd Airborne Division. The U.S. Army Special Operations Command and the U.S. Army Parachute Team (the Golden Knights) also call Fort Bragg home. Pope Air Force Base adjoins Ft. Bragg. System: Four-barrel. two-fermenter system.... View Article

For Morale, Welfare and Recreation
by Julie JohnsonNo matter how dearly you love beer, or how far you’ll willing to travel for an obscure brew, there are some beers you cannot have. Unless, that is, you’re willing to serve your country.

DC Beer Roundup
by Greg KitsockWhere can you find good beer in Washington, DC? Where can’t you find it? Liquor stores, supermarkets, groceries and corner delis all can sell beer…and many stock at least a few craft beer selections. (I’ve seen Sierra Nevada Celebration pop up in CVS drug stores.) Bear in mind that in most DC neighborhoods, regulations forbid... View Article

Washington, DC Parties Like It’s 1933 Again
by Greg KitsockI’m hugging a bottle of Anchor Steam at RFD in Washington, DC, sister establishment to the famed Brickskeller, watching a group of picketers wend their way around the crowded bar with signs reading, “We Want Beer.” It’s a puzzling sight, as everybody here seems to be well served. In fact, the “protest,” organized by Premium... View Article

How Homebrewers Changed the Whole Brewing Industry—Forever
by Fred Eckhardt

Distinctive Doppelbock
by K. Florian KlempThe heavyweight beers currently in vogue tend to have an assertive signature quality that is the object of desire. Puckering IBU levels, searing alcohol and coarse roastiness are sought by extreme beer hunters and brewers alike. As these stylistic features slug it out for popular supremacy, the succulent, uncompromised maltiness offered up by the burly... View Article

with Andy Brown
by Julie JohnsonWynkoop Brewpub turned 20 years old last year, and you began your job as head brewer around the same time. A little earlier. We just had our 20th anniversary in October and I started in July of last year. Shortly after that, we had the Democratic National Convention here in Denver, and that was a... View Article

Under the Gateway Arch
by Paul RuschmannIn the 1830s, immigrants from Germany and Bohemia began settling in St. Louis, MO. Not only were these Central Europeans a natural customer base for beer, but their ranks also included many skilled craftsmen who brewed good beer with abundant local water, kept cool in limestone caves indigenous to the area.
Beer Talk

Cusqueña Premium
by aabLima, Peru Imported by: Latam Imports Fort Worth, TX Available: RI Cusqueña is one of the few all-malt beers made in South America. ABV: 4.8 ABW: 3.8 Color: bright golden Bitterness: 14 Original gravity: n/a

Fireside Nut Brown
by aabJacob Leinenkugel Brewing Co. Chippewa Falls, WI Available: nationwide Jacob Leinenkugel founded this Wisconsin brewery in 1867. Five generations have been involved in running the brewery. ABV: 4.9 ABW: 3.9 Color: 23 Bitterness: 13 Original gravity: n/a

Entire Stout
by aabPike Brewing Co. Seattle, WA Available: CA, CT, AK, MT, ID, OR, UT, TX, CA, CT Pike Entire is a blend of three beers: Pike’s XXXXX Extra Stout, the same beer aged for more than half a year in oak Bourbon barrels, and an Imperial stout. ABV: 9.5 ABW: 7.6 Color: black Bitterness: n/a Original... View Article

Sebago IPA
by aabSebago Brewing Co. Portland, ME Available: ME, MA This IPA is named for a 300-foot mountain cliff on Sebago Lake in ME. ABV: 5.7 ABW: 4.5 Color: n/a Bitterness: n/a Original gravity: n/a

Old Blarney Barleywine Style Ale
by aabMoylan’s Brewery Novato, CA Available: CA, NV, CO, AZ, WA, OH, MN, IL, MD, PA, VA, NJ, WI, MA, GU (Guam), BC, OR, AK, NM, SC The first barleywine to bear the name was Bass No. 1, released at the turn of the last century. The name suggested this was a beer of wine-like strength.... View Article

Ten Fidy Imperial Stout
by aabOskar Blues Brewery Lyons, CO Available: CO, CA, TX, AZ, WA, NY, MA, PA, ID, NJ, RI, CT, VA, GA, FL, WI Colorado brewery Oskar Blues has for years pioneered the use of cans for craft beer, and in Ten Fidy has what is probably the world’s only imperial Russian stout in a can. ABV:... View Article

Old Style Porter
by aabSt. Peters Brewery Suffolk, England Imported by: Eurobrew Ashland, MA Available: nationwide St. Peter’s Brewery opened in an ancient country hall in the east of England just over a decade ago. The beers are packaged in distinctive oval bottles copied from one from Gibbstown, near Philadelphia, which dates from around 1770. ABV: 5.1 ABW: 4.0... View Article

Cascade Pale Ale
by aabStevens Point Brewery Stevens Point, WI Available: WI, IL, MN, MI, IA, OK, IN, KY, MA, RI, MD, VA Stevens Point Brewery, in Stevens Point, WI, is the fifth oldest continuously operating brewery remaining in the United States. ABV: 5.4 ABW: 4.3 Color: 8 Bitterness: 33 Original gravity: 1054

Happy Ending
by aabSweetwater Brewing Co. Atlanta, GA Available: GA, SC, NC, TN, AL, FL Sweetwater Brewery has specialized in bringing West Coast-style brewing to the South East, winning Small Brewery of the Year at the GABF. ABV: 9 ABW: 7.2 Color: black Bitterness: 50 Original gravity: 1088

Punk IPA
by aabBrewDog Fraserburgh, Scotland Imported by: Preiss Imports San Diego, CA Available: n/a BrewDog microbrewery opened in 2007 in the east of Scotland near Aberdeen. ABV: 6 ABW: 4.9 Color: n/a Bitterness: n/a Original gravity: n/a

Apple White
by aabCorsendonk Brewery Turnhout, Belgium Imported by: Phoenix Imports Baltimore, MD Available: DC, FL, IN, LA, MD, MA, NJ, OH, PA, VA, WA, WI The Corsendonk brewery, best known for its rich abbey-style beers, brews this lighter, fruited beer spiced with coriander, orange zest and licorice. ABV: 3.1 ABW: 2.5 Color: 2 Bitterness: not significant Original... View Article

Sünner Kölsch
by aabSünner Brauerei Köln, Germany Imported by: Artisanal Imports Austin, TX Available: TX, CO, CA, RI, IN, OH, NY, MI, ME, NC, GA, SC The Sünner brewery, the oldest in Cologne, brews the traditional Kölsch style, unusual in German brewing tradition in that it is an ale, not a lager, which is then cold-conditioned in the... View Article

by aabNew Glarus Brewing Co. New Glarus, WI Available: WI The alt beers of Düsseldorf are, together with Cologne’s Kölsch style, rare examples of German ales, in a country renowned for lagerbiers. ABV: 9 ABW: 7.2 Color: n/a Bitterness: n/a Original gravity: n/a

Autumnal Fire
by aabCapital Brewing Co. Middleton, WI Available: WI This American doppelbock is true to the tradition of Bavarian “liquid bread,” as the style was known to monks who relied on it for sustenance during Lenten fasts. ABV: 7.5 ABW: 6 Color: 32 Bitterness: 28 Original gravity: 1078

The Reverend
by aabAvery Brewing Co. Boulder, CO Available: AK, AZ, AK, CA, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, IL, IA, KS, KY, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, NJ, NM, NY, NC, NE OH, OK, OR, PA, TN, TX, VA, WA, WS The Reverend, a Belgian-style quadrupel, was created to honor an Episcopal reverend, the grandfather of an... View Article

Imperial Stout
by aabSamuel Smith, Tadcaster, England Imported by: Merchant du Vin Tukwila, WA Available: nationwide except where ABV is capped. Russian Imperial stout was originally brewed in Great Britain to satisfy the Czarist courts, great connoisseurs of Champagne, caviar and the art of the table. Because it was transported across the freezing Baltic, Russian imperial stout was... View Article