
Brewing Togetherness
by Jay BrooksAristotle observed, in his classic work Metaphysics, that “the whole is more than the sum of its parts.” He may not have been talking about beer when he said that, but then again, he was on to something. Over the past decade or so, there’s a trend that’s been slowly building as craft brewers are... View Article

Lost and Found: 2008 in Beer
by Gregg GlaserLost If it’s Wednesday, It Must be Belgium (or is that Brazil?) What happened to big U.S. breweries being owned by Americans? (Correct that to North Americans; no, we need to be more specific—North Americans who are citizens of the U.S.A.). Well, there’s no need to be jingoistic about it, but here’s the scorecard and... View Article

Christmas Facts
by Don RussellForget about milk in Flanders. In much of Belgium, children leave a beer on Christmas Eve for Santa, to help him with his hard work. How about a beer in honor of Mrs. Claus? You can get it from Norway’s Haand Bryggeriet, which makes a raisin-flavored holiday ale called Nissemor. That’s Norwegian for Mother Christmas.... View Article

Santa’s Treats
by Don RussellIf we had to guess what Santa drinks, here are a few specialties that would certainly jingle his bells. Samichlaus. Schloss Eggenberg, Vorchdorf, Austria If you ever saw “Miracle on 34th Street,” you’d know that St. Nicholas is fluent in many languages. This one is Swiss-German for “Santa Claus,” and it has one of the... View Article

Santa’s Choice
by Don RussellOver the years, any number of breweries would claim to make Santa’s favorite brew. “Join Mr. Claus (who has a fond regard for the best things in life) in drinking tangy, foamy and delicious Point Special,” the Wisconsin brewery advised in one newspaper advertisement. New Yorkers countered: “The very best he ever tasted is what... View Article

What Would Santa Drink?
by Don RussellThe children are nestled all snug in their bed, Santa’s outside, he’s full of dread. The old elf’s been working hard all night, Inside awaiting, it’s the same old blight. Milk and cookies, usually they’re stale. Won’t someone leave him a righteous pale ale? Listen kids, contrary to the tales Mom and Dad told you,... View Article

Botanic Brews
by Randy MosherI’m not much for soda pop. To my taste, most of it is bland, mass-market stuff lacking in real character or subtlety. But in researching old beers, I’ve seen references to earlier “soft” drinks, not entirely alcohol-free, brewed for refreshment and hydration. While ginger and root beers are still made today, other old school brews... View Article

Protecting and Promoting Authenticity
by Charles D. CookSo you’re at your local beer store, looking to purchase some of the fine Belgian brews you’ve been hearing so much about. How do you really know what you are getting? Three categories of breweries—family brewers, lambic brewers, and Trappist breweries—are sufficiently under threat from more commercial entities that they have established associations to certify... View Article

Belgium: Diverse Beer Styles, Delectable Brews
by Charles D. CookWalk into a good multi-tap bar these days or, especially, a good beer retail store, and Belgium rules. A beer lover shopping for new flavors is confronted with bewildering choices: bottles that are corked and wired in the manner of champagne, beers that claim religious connections and others with fruit incongruously depicted. The labels, written... View Article


Strong Scotch Ale
by K. Florian KlempThe distinctive strong ales of Scotland are such a flawless complement to the brisk climate, unspoiled landscape and robust inhabitants within its borders, that they are seemingly brewed with that in mind. This marriage is, in reality, naturally evolved from mostly indigenous ingredients, local conditions and thrift. Serendipity has given the world a style of... View Article

with Jerry Vietz
by Julie JohnsonHow long have you been with Unibroue? I’ve been with Unibroue since 2003. When I started, it was still owned by the Dion family, the founder of the brewery. Then the brewery was bought by Sleeman in 2004, exactly a year after I started. What was the transition like? That was amazing. We didn’t know... View Article

A Tour of the Capital
by Paul RuschmannIn spite of recent political turmoil, Washington, DC, remains a special place for Americans. It’s the host for our government, the nerve center for our military, the home of our national museums, and now once again, a location for our national pastime, baseball. Sooner, or later, everyone visits there.
Beer Talk

Ipswich IPA
by - -Ipswich IPA Mercury Brewing Co. Ipswich, MA Available: MA, NH, CT, RI, NY, NJ, PA Mercury Brewing Co. acquired the older Ipswich Brewing Co. in 1999 and continued production of the Ipswich ales, including this IPA, first brewed in 1994. ABV: 6.1 ABW: 4.9 Color: 14 Bitterness: 60 Original gravity: 1057

Malheur Brut Reserve
by - -Brouwerij De Landtsheer Buggenhout, Belgium Imported by: Belukus Marketing Austin, TX Available: CA, NC, VA, MA, PA, SC, WI, NY, KY, WA, OR, TX, CO, DE, MD, NE, CT, GA, MN, NJ, MI, IL, IN Brewed using the same fermentation methods and yeast used in producing champagne, and oak-aged. ABV: 11 ABW: 8.8 Color: 11... View Article

Winter Ale
by - -Smuttynose Brewing Co. Portsmouth, NH Available: NH, MA, MA, CT, RI, VT, NY, NJ, PA, DE, VA, NC, SC, GA, FL, WI This winter seasonal is modeled on a Belgian dubbel. ABV: 4.8 ABW: 3.8 Color: n/a Bitterness: 25 Original gravity: 1064

Hop Czar
by - -Bridgeport Brewing Co. Portland, OR Available: n/a Hop Czar is brewed according to BridgePort’s IPA recipe, then triple-hopped and bottle-conditioned to produce this double IPA. ABV: 8 ABW: 6.4 Color: 22 Bitterness: 90 Original gravity: 1071

State Pen Porter
by - -Santa Fe Brewing Co. Santa Fe, NM Available: AZ, CO, NE, NM, OK, TX This porter is named for the brewery’s close proximity to New Mexico’s infamous State Penitentiary. ABV: 6.4 ABW: 5 Color: 30 Bitterness: 35 Original gravity: 1064

471 IPA
by - -Breckenridge Brewery Denver, CO Available: AZ, AR, CO, GA, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, Mi, MN, MS, MO, NE, NM, NC, ND, OH, OK, PA, SC, SD, TX, VA, WI, WY Breckenridge Brewery was established in the Colorado ski town of Breckenridge in 1990, and now operates two additional locations. ABV: 9.2 ABW: 7.3 Color:... View Article

Lancaster Bomber
by - -Thwaites Brewery Lancashire, UK Imported by: High Falls Brewing Co. Rochester,NY Available: CO, MA, NY Established in 1807 by Daniel Thwaites, the company originally brewed just two cask beers, bitter and mild. ABV: 4.4 ABW: 3.5 Color: 30 Bitterness: 30 Original gravity: 1050

Total Domination IPA
by - -Ninkasi Brewing Co. Eugene, OR Available: OR, WA Ninkasi Brewing began its history on June 15th, 2006 when Jamie Floyd and Nikos Ridge spent 17 hours brewing their first batch of Total Domination IPA in leased space inside a German restaurant in Springfield, OR. ABV: 6.7 ABW: 5.3 Color: 7 Bitterness: 65 Original gravity: 1067

Double Black Stout
by - -Redhook Ale Brewery Woodinville, WA Available: AL, AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV,... View Article

Eisenbaun Escura
by - -Cervejaria Sudbrack Blumenau Brazil Imported by: Shelton Brothers Belchertown, MA Available: AL, AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX,... View Article

Brewers Reserve
by - -Fuller, Smith and Turner London, England Imported by: Distinguished Brands Littleton, CO Available: rare in U.S. Fullers will sell 25,000 individually numbered bottles of this beer aged in whisky barrels. The company had to convince British customs officials to tax the new brew at the beer rate and not the higher levy charged for whisky.... View Article

Hop 15
by - -Port Brewing Co. San Marcos, CA Available: CA, WA, CO, AZ, PA, MA, IL The beer won a silver medal at the GABF in 2003 and 2005. It was the Alpha King winner in 2004 and 2008 ABV: 10.5 ABW: 8.36 Color: 15 Bitterness: 75 Original gravity: 1088

Brrr Seasonal Ale
by - -Widmer Brothers Brewing Co. Portland, OR Available: nationwide This seasonal beer was inspired by German beers that reflect the unique attributes of each season. ABV: 7.2 ABW: 5.73 Color: deep red Bitterness: 50 Original gravity: 1068

Hell’s Belle
by - -Big Boss Brewing Co. Raleigh, NC Available: NC Hell’s Belle is named after a U.S. WWII aircraft, as are all Big Boss brews. ABV: 7 ABW: 5.57 Color: 4.5 Bitterness: 20 Original gravity: 1069

by - -Dogfish Head Craft Brewery Milton, DE Available: ME, VT, RI, MA, NY, NJ, PA, DE, VA, NC, GA, FL, OH, MI, IN, IL, WI, KY, TN, CO, AZ, WA, OR Theobroma or “Food of the Gods,” is based on archaeological evidence of an alcoholic chocolate drink brewed in Meso-America. It is brewed with honey, ancho... View Article

Prairie Lager
by - -Berghoff Brewery Monroe, WI Available: MN, WI, MI, IA, IL, IN, MO, PA The Berghoff Brand originated with the family that established the Berghoff Restaurant in Chicago in 1989. ABV: 5.5 ABW: 4.4 Color: 5 Bitterness: 20 Original gravity: 1053