Many of the beers poured at World Beer Festival Durham take inspiration from styles that originated in Belgium. From classics to contemporary, you can enjoy a wide variety of Belgium’s beers in the Belgian Bier Garden at World Beer Festival Durham.
Due to the limited amounts of some of these beers, entry to the Belgian Bier Garden requires the purchase of an additional $15 ticket. VIP ticket holders get into the Belgian Bier Garden at no extra charge.
Belgian Bier Garden
Du Bocq
Du Bocq Blanche de Namur (Belgian witbier)
Saison Dupont (Belgian saison)
Monks Stout (Belgian stout)
Moinette Blonde (Belgian strong blonde ale)
Moinette Brune (Belgian strong amber ale)
La Bière De Beloeil (Belgian strong saison)
Lindemans Framboise Lambic (raspberry lambic)
Lindemans Cuvee Rene Gueuze (lambic)
Orval Trappist Ale (saison w/ Brettanomyces)
Rochefort Trappist 10 (quadrupel)
Straffe Hendrik
Wild (AAB Highly Recommended)
St. Bernardus
Abt 12 (Belgian quadrupel)
Tripel (Belgian tripel)
Wit (Belgian witbier)
Pater 6 (Belgian abbey-style dubbel)
Westmalle Trappist Tripel (AAB Highly Recommended)