Dark Roast Recipes
American Stout (extract)
5 gallons, OG 1.065, 50 IBU
6 pounds light DME
2 pounds Munich malt extract
Steeping grains:
0.5 pound black patent malt
0.5 pound roasted barley
0.5 pound 60° L crystal malt
10 AAU Perle hops (60 min)
1 ounce Cascade hops (15 min)
1.5 ounces Cascade hops (0 min)
Ferment with American dry or liquid ale yeast. For all-grain, substitute 7 pounds American 2-row and 3 pounds Munich malt for the extracts and mash at 152° F.
English Brown Ale (all-grain)
5 gallons, OG 1.045, 28 IBU
8 pounds English ale malt like Golden Promise or Maris Otter
6 ounces chocolate malt
0.5 pound 80 L° crystal malt
2 ounces black patent malt
7 AAU Fuggles hops (60 min)
0.5 ounces East Kent Goldings hops (10 min)
Mash at 152° F
Ferment with your favorite London or English ale yeast. For extract brewing, substitute 6 pounds English pale malt extract.
K. Florian Klemp
K. Florian Klemp is an award-winning homebrewer and general hobbyist who thinks there is no more sublime marriage than that of art and science.
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