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Old Ales "Aging may be the key contributor to the character of an old ale, as they can develop a complex profile with some oxidative or winey notes. "
Scotch Ale: Strong and Smooth "Scotch ales are hefty, smooth with an earthy edge, inviting, and soothing."
Saison "Saison as we know it today is quite true to its roots, retaining its character as a rustic, unpretentious and somewhat unruly brew."
Presenting Pilsners "Pilsner is no doubt the pan-global beer style, but its pedigree lies squarely in Bohemia."
Brown Ale "Pale ales were brewed extensively in central England, but brown ales held fort in other areas of England as a distinctive alternative."
Altbier "The radical changes that occurred in brewing circles in the early part of the 19th century improved beer quality immeasurably."
Barleywine Massive in strength, chameleon-like and wide-ranging in profile, barley wines represent the biggest and often the best of the brewer's art.
Munich Dunkel Dunkel means "dark" in German. The style is quaintly anachronistic, rich and complex in character, and robust without being overbearing.
Belgian Witbier Witbiers are a beautifully complex sensory experience and the perfect summer beer.
Baltic Porters Baltic porters can approach barley wines in fortitude, Imperial stouts in complexity, and liqueurs in after-dinner contentment value.
Imperial Russian Stout In its day, and in its pomp, it was a beer of considerable importance.
Bock Bocks run the color gamut from golden to dark brown, and the strength scale from moderately strong to bludgeoning force.
Belgo-American Brewing A look at four American breweries making Belgian-style beers.
Cream Ales The Girl Next Door: Cream Ales
Blondes Are Beautiful "Unlike the human variety, blonde ales have been ignored or overlooked in favor of the shiny penny and midnight colored beer styles: the various bitters, pale ales, porters and stouts."
Modern IPA "By now, most beer lovers have heard about how traditional IPAs were brewed strong and extremely hoppy to survive long voyages to distant, God-forsaken heathen lands of the British Empire (and a rather large former colony), so lets skip the rest of the history lesson and dive straight into the deep end."
Fruit Cocktail Lets examine several constituent members that comprise a group of beers called fruit beer, or fruited beer, whichever you prefer.
Imperial Pale Ale Imperial pale ale is a testament to the genius of American brewers of old, and also to American beer marketers, which, like it or not, are the most successful in the world.
Bavarian Wheat Beers Cloudy, quirky, spritzy, and top-fermented. Learn a little something about Belgian Wheat Beers.
Porter: The first 100 years With a little extra effort at home you can reproduce a porter straight from the history books.
Scotch and Scottish Ales Despite the variety of beers produced in Scotland over the last few centuries, one particular flavor profile emerged as the characteristic style of the land. Here's a look at why and also how you can brew these ales.
Traditional Bock December is a perfect time to brew bock beers because you'll still be able to lager for about two months before the traditional mid-March tapping date.