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Frequently Asked Questions
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If I give All About Beer as a gift, can I download a Gift Card?
Yes! Click here to download a printable PDF gift card.
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When will I receive the first issue of my subscription?
For U.S. orders, please allow 8 to 10 weeks for your first copy to arrive.
For Canadian and International orders, please allow 10 to 14 weeks for your first copy to arrive.
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When can I expect to receive my issues each month?
All About Beer Magazine is published 6 times a year. Your magazine should arrive between the 15th and 30th of the month before the month listed on the cover. For example, your December issue should arrive between November 15 and November 30.
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How can I get information about an invoice I received?
Call our fulfillment company, NSFS at 1-800-999-9718
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Where can I find my account number?
You can locate your account number in several places.
a. On your mailing label: Your account number appears above your name and mailing address. Include all digits, including zeros, when entering your account number.
b. On your invoice: Your account number will also appear on invoices and renewal reminders located above your name.
c. Call Customer Service: 1-800-999-9718
*Referring to your account number whenever you contact us will help us serve you better.
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When does my subscription expire?
The date of your subscription expiration appears on your magazine mailing label, above your name. The date indicates the last issue in your subscription. For example you'll see 405 this means your subscription expires with the 4th issue of 2005. Please see sample mailing label below or call 1-800-999-9718.
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My payment has not been processed, is there a problem?
Please allow 4-5 weeks for your payment to be processed. If it has been longer than 4-5 weeks, please contact our customer service department to see if there's a problem, 1-800-999-9718
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How can I change my delivery address?
You may change your delivery address online at http://www.allaboutbeer2.com/subs/address_change.html or by calling 1-800-999-9718. Please allow one to two issues for your change of address to take effect. *Be sure to change your address with us if you've moved. Our magazine mails 3rd class mail and does not get forwarded by the post office.
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What should I do if my magazine arrives late or not at all?
We are sorry to hear that your magazine has arrived late or is missing. Please call our customer service department at 1-800-999-9718 or contact us via email at [email protected] to report this problem to our Customer Service department.
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I'm receiving duplicate copies how do I get this problem fixed?
We're sorry for any inconvenience, please contact our customer service department at 800-999-9718 and let them know they will fix the problem.
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I do not want my name or e-mail address made available to other companies. How can I make that known to the magazine?
All About Beer Magazine honors your privacy and does not sell or provide your contact information to other businesses. You will only receive information from All About Beer Magazine.
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What if I still have a question? How do I contact Customer Service?
Reporting your problem to Customer Service is quick and easy. Our customer service email address is [email protected]. Our customer service telephone number for US customers is 1-800-999-9718. For international inquiries, please call 919-530-8150.
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Why do I get invoices or renewal notices after I've already responded?
We make every effort to prevent this from happening. However, sometimes your response and our letter will get crossed in the mail. If you receive a notice from us after you've already responded, simply ignore it. If you receive several notices, it is possible that we did not receive your response, and you should contact us.
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What if I want more information about beers or other products I read about in All About Beer Magazine?
What if I want more information about the breweries and beers mentioned in All About Beer Magazine. For all editorial questions, please write to All About Beer Magazine Editorial, 501-H Washington St, Ste. H, Durham, NC 27701. Or e-mail [email protected].
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Does All About Beer Magazine offer Group Discounts?
Group Discounts are available by special arrangement with the publisher. For more details, send an e-mail to Daniel Bradford at [email protected] or call 800-977-2337.