Success Comes in Cans
"In 1935, the Gottfried Kruger Brewing Co. of Newark, NJ, became the first US brewery to package its beer in cans. The experiment was an overnight success."
The Brew Zoo Review
"Many breweriana collectors deal with their lack of display space by specializing in a particular theme. A great specialization that is growing in popularity is the animals used in beer advertising."
Your Ad Here
"Some beer advertisement collectors specialize in a particular brand or item. I continue to add to my collection by finding the unusual and obscure items that have been used to advertise beer."
Growlers: The Original PAIL Ales
"The term 'growler' originated as a result of children handling beer."
Lighting up while getting lit
"Although tobacco has suffered declining sales, many breweries continue to use matches as a form of advertising."
Beer Trays
"Some of the trays most sought after are those with factory scenes, Victorian women, or brewery mascots."
Wiping the Scrape Clean
"These were simple tools, but the breweries came up with various ways to enhance them."
Beer Glassware
"Some of the rarer beer glasses are of the enamel variety."
Getting a Handle on Your Hobby
"At first, the markers were purely functional: Known as "ball knobs," these early tap markers were made of chrome or Bakelite, an early type of plastic."
Back Bar Advertising
"Chalk one up for the promotions department. An examination of the bar from its advertising briefs."
Rolling With Coasters, or Just Coasting Along
"Just like labels, the bar mats produced before Prohibition and the ones die cut in shape are the most sought after."
Collect Your Own Bottle
"Englands Alexander Newell is credited with bottling the first beer. He did not own a brewery; he just liked to fish and drink. He would have the local tavern fill a used medicine bottle with his favorite ale, then bury the bottle in the mud on the riverbank or tie it off to dangle in the water..."
I've been labeled a collector
"A long-time collecting friend and labelologist, Bob Kay has taught me ways to trace brewing history from a simple piece of paper. Most beer bottles contain a neck as well as a body label; some more elaborate packages contain back and shoulder labels or even a foil neck wrap...."
Beer Labels Post-Prohibition
"Beer bottle labels since Prohibition have more importance than a simple mention in that Cheryl Crow song. Labels are a great way to trace a brewerys lineage..."
Christmas for the Froth of July
"One of Americas most talented and funny radio personalities in the 1950s was a beer drinker. Rege Cordic proved this every morning in Pittsburgh, PA. This pioneering genius of the theatre for the mind loved a good spoof and created a once non-existent brew known as Olde Frothingslosh..."
Beer Reruns
"Madison Avenue does its best to have us believe that the brewing industry continues to roll out new products. The fact of the matter is that breweries are better recyclers than they are inventors...."
The Falstaff bathroom
If you want to see one of the finest collections of Falstaff breweriana ever assembled, head for the a bathroom in Aurora, CO.
The beer bag lady
Before beer came in six-packs, your grandpa would haul it home from the store in a paper bag bearing a brewery's name. Marcia Butterbaugh had 190 different ones.
Medals and tokens
To people who collect brewery tokens and medals, Mardi Gras has long been a time to add to the old collection.
Playing with a full deck
Check out both the bronts and backs when you're collecting brewery-issued playing cards.